Memories From My Life Guidebook
About The Guidebook
The Legacy Stories Memories From My Life Guidebook gives your family the opportunity to reminisce with a purpose. Using categorized questions, you can spark a meaningful conversation about time’s past and provide guidance for the future. It also allows you to leave instructions, detailed information, and guidance on important issues.
Guidebook Features Include

Build Stronger Family Ties
Share stories with your children and grandchildren and bring the whole family together. The Guidebook prompts you to write your core values, your hopes for the future, and causes you currently support to establish a family legacy. The Memories From My Guidebook has activities and questions to ensure your story and guidance will be shared with generations to come.
Testimonials About The My Life Guidebook
Reminiscing with ‘purpose’ got our divided family talking again. The family story is being told and everyone’s contributing!
Our estate planner gave us the guidebook to pass down our values + valuables. She won our loyalty for life.
The best thing to happen since the Covid-19 outbreak. Families are interviewing their loved ones by phone!
Interviewing Mom with the guidebook is an amazing experience. Dad’s excited for his turn!

Benefits Of Reminiscing
Reminiscing on the past can help improve memory cognition and helps restore a sense of purpose. This is often referred to as reminiscing therapy. The Guidebook is designed to spark conversations that will bring out joyful memories from your loved one and create deeper connections.
Experts Say
Engaging brain areas linked to so-called ‘off task’ mental activities (such as reminiscing) can actually boost performance on some challenging mental tasks, according to new research.
Reminiscence therapy performed over a short period of time in closed groups was shown to be more effective than everyday conversations in the treatment of elderly people with dementia.
Memories of the past represent a valuable resource, which can be used to facilitate person-centered care, improve social interaction, or simply provide the theme for an hour’s activity.
Research has shown that stimulating reminiscence in the elderly can be a meaningful activity and holds promise for positive effects on well-being.